Monday, April 14, 2008

Bear Creek Park

Bear Creek Park was looking beautiful and was busy with common birds Sunday morning. I didn't spot any warblers but I was delighted to see and hear my first White-eyed Vireo of the year.

The resident Eastern Bluebirds were much in evidence.

Eastern Bluebird

The inside corner of Golbow where the road turns south - always great for woodpeckers - had many Red-headed Woodpeckers. At one point, I had five in view at the same time.

Red-headed Woodpecker

I managed to get some reasonable video. If it's wobbly, it's partly because, while I was filming one Red-headed, the tree I was leaning against was vibrating from the drumming of another.

The same area had a Barred Owl, the first owl I've ever seen at Bear Creek, although I imagine there must be quite a population in the park.

Barred Owl

My "goodbye birds" were a pair of Broad-winged Hawks, which circled overhead.

Broad-winged Hawk

The hawks brought my 2008 bird list to 154 species. Cliff Swallows flying under the 290 flyover at Huffmeister raised the total to 155.


  1. I assume you are referring to Bear Creek Park just west of Houston and not Bear Creek Park between Dallas and Ft. Worth. there are too many named Bear Creek Park. All good though.

    We went to LBJ National Grassland Sat. and saw lots of Eastern Bluebirds there. It was really windy though. A windy day outdoors is better that a great day at work indoors.

  2. Yes, I was at Bear Creek Park in Houston.

    It was windy here, too. At one point yesterday afternoon, I thought our deck roof was going to fly off.
