Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Better Late Than Never

I've been thinking about it for a long time but I could never quite bring myself to take the plunge. Going vegetarian, I mean. But now I've decided and I have sworn off meat.

I know that at 62 I've left my decision rather late. But at least from now on I won't need to feel so guilty about:
a. eating animals
b. eating animals that have been reared and slaughtered in the most appalling way
c. contributing to the widespread destruction of habitat that is caused by the production of beef.

I can foresee only one major difficulty with my decision: I don't really like most vegetables and fruits. (Thank goodness chocolate isn't a meat product or I'd be sunk right away!) I suppose I'll manage, though.

What will I miss the most? Bacon and ham. I really love bacon and ham. Cooked breakfasts are never going to be the same again.


  1. Congratulations on your decision and good luck with it. It's something I have wanted to go "whole hog" (pun intended) on for a long time. Red meat is no problem - I have no taste for it and don't eat it. But I do eat fish and occasionally chicken or turkey. I'd like to give it all up though. I think my conscience would be clearer. Fortunately, I do love vegetables and fruits, so this should be easy for me, right?

  2. So far, so good. Now all I need to do is stop smoking!

  3. So far, so good. Now all I need to do is stop smoking!
