Saturday, October 11, 2008

Another Early Bird

Last week Chipping Sparrows returned to our yards, a month weeks earlier than last year. At the same time, Birdwoman reported that her yard in Tomball had its FOS (First of the Season) Ruby-crowned Kinglet.

Today we had another FOS arrival: a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker. Last year, the first Sapsucker didn't turn up until November 1. So it seems like our winter residents are arriving very early this year. I can't wait for our FOS Yellow-rumped Warbler and Pine Warbler!


  1. Wow! I really think this is shaping up as an unusual season. Why? Maybe the experts can figure it out once all the data is in.

  2. Chipping sparrows were one of the birds I got on my feeders when I put them up for the first time last fall/winter. I hope they come my way soon.

  3. I suspect that it's all related to events further north. I believe that some types of natural food sources have been less common than usual in Canada. I haven't checked the weather carefully but I notice that winter seems to have already arrived in some northern areas. It's extremely early for snow in the Dakotas and Utah, for example, and yet that's what they're getting at present.

  4. There were lots around last week but they seem to have moved on. No doubt more will arrive soon.
