Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Birds Busy at CyFair

I just had time for a quick walk around the soccer fields at the CyFair campus this morning but was rewarded with lots of birds. The soccer fields had 30+ Vesper Sparrows and 20+ American Pipits, as well as several Brown-headed Cowbirds and the usual crowd of Killdeer.

The nature trail had a nice mix of birds, from American Robins and more than a dozen Northern Cardinals through a Downy Woodpecker and an Eastern Phoebe to Yellow-rumped and Pine Warblers.

There were flyovers by a dozen Black-bellied Whistling Ducks and 60 Snow Geese, the first geese I have seen this fall. A little later in the morning there was a flyover by a skein of 200+ Snow Geese.

Total number of species: 25.

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