Saturday, November 01, 2008

Ten Days

I had no time to do any birding yesterday at the college where I work, but I still managed to add two new birds to my October list for the campus. Driving off the campus at midday, I spotted an Eastern Meadowlark. Arriving back half-an-hour later, I got to watch a Northen Harrier flying over the soccer fields.

So my college list for the last ten days of October reached 47 species. Not bad for a few snatched hours of birding before work and the occasional lucky sighting as I drove onto or off the campus.

One species has been conspicuous by its absence, though. I haven't seen or heard a Carolina Wren. This is remarkable, given that it's usually impossible to walk our nature trail at any time of the year without hearing or seeing at least one Carolina Wren.

Another cold front is forecast for next week and I'm hoping it will bring some more winter species to the campus. Cedar Waxwings? American Goldfinches? American Robins? My money is on Waxwings but I'll happily take whichever species nature brings our way.

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