Saturday, December 27, 2008

Big Bend Trip Day 4: Chisos Basin

I was up very early to watch dawn over the Window before our main planned activity for the day: the Ross Maxwell Scenic Drive.


The only birds I saw were Canyon Towhees and Amercan Robins.
Canyon Towhee
However, I did stumble on a family of Javelinas. While the parents were up and having breakfast, the juveniles were just on the point of waking up.

I also startled a young Carmen Mountains White-tailed Deer.

Later in the day, after returning from our drive, I walked the trail again and saw a wider range of birds. Western Bluebirds were everywhere, as were Canyon Towhees, Chipping Sparrows, Ruby-crowned Kinglets, Pyrrhuloxias and Dark-eyed Juncos. I had my first-ever views of Clay-colored Sparrow and a Red-naped Sapsucker but unfortunately neither bird was willing to pose for a photo.

Western Bluebird
We spent the evening on our deck watching another spectacular sunset, followed by a night sky lit by the moon and innumerable stars.


  1. A beautiful sunset series, Jeff!

  2. Thanks, Kyle. The dawns weren't always so spectacular but the sunsets were wonderful.

  3. I used to love watching the turkey vultures soar around during those beautiful sunsets.

  4. We were very surprised not to see a single Vulture anywhere on our trip.
