Thursday, March 26, 2009

First of 2009

I did a quick walk around the campus yesterday morning in the hope that a weak front had brought down some migrants. And, sure enough, the nature trail had a Black-and-white Warbler. That's the first spring warbler that I've seen this year.

When I got home, I sat down on the couch, looked out of the living-room window and there was our first (female) Ruby-throated Hummingbird of 2009.

And some people wonder why I like living in southeast Texas!


  1. The fact that SE Texas is a wonderland of birdlife does offset some of the negatives. Okay, a LOT of the negatives.

  2. You're right. People thought we were crazy to move here from San Francisco but living here has many advantages. If only they could so something about the mosquitoes!

  3. Jeff, from some of your posts and seeing you looking natural in a Texas style hat I'd say you've found your true home. I'm a close neighbor of yours down on Galveston Bay. I'll be bookmarking your blog.

  4. Well, Bird Advocate, we certainly feel at home here. We miss three things, though: mountains, desert and the rocky California coast. Luckily we discovered the first two are available in Big Bend.

  5. I know what you mean, Jeff, having spent several years in Colorado and Alaska.
