Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Getting Closer

As I got out of my car at CyFair yesterday morning, I spotted an Eastern Meadowlark on the soccer field. I always find Meadowlarks hard to photograph because they tend to be easily spooked and they feed on open grassland where there is no cover for the would-be photographer.

I walked very slowly towards this bird, zig-zagging as I went and taking care not to make any sudden movements. The bird looked up and checked me out but he must have decided I was not a threat because he let me get close enough to take the photos below.

The nature trail had Baltimore Orioles, Common Yellowthroats and two groups of Indigo Buntings but none of them were willing to pose. The only photos I could manage were quick shots of a male and a female Bunting.

In the afternoon, in heavy rain, I spotted Cedar Waxwings and an American Redstart, taking my year list to 193. I also saw several Rose-breasted Grosbeaks and watched a Red-shouldered Hawk having lunch.

A wet Rose-breasted Grosbeak

Red-shouldered Hawk


  1. Great quality pictures as usual. I especially love the meadowlark because I do know how spooked they can get and how hard they can be to photograph well. But you did a terrific job with it.

  2. I sometimes think that many birds/animals react best if you don't try to hide but instead walk slowly in the open. Perhaps this shows them that you don't have bad intentions.

  3. Beautiful photos! The Indigo Bunting is a bird that I have never seen, I 'm still hoping for my chance.

  4. Hi, Stephanie.
    I thought Bluebirds and Jays were blue until I saw my first Indigo Bunting!

  5. And at my house, I have "just another painted bunting". Not really but my pictures of them all look very much the same.

    Thanks for your blog. I'm still homesick in Dripping Springs for Houston.

    Marilyn Kircus

  6. Hi, mkircus.
    I wish I had "just another Painted Bunting" in my yard! I'd be thrilled to get just one of your Black-chinned Hummingbirds, too.
