Saturday, April 04, 2009

My drive home from work yesterday reminded me that you don’t always have to go birding to see interesting birds and bird behavior.

As I was leaving the CyFair campus, I noticed two hawks in the sky. No doubt Red-tailed Hawks, but I stopped to check them out, just in case. In fact, they were Swainson’s Hawks, a bird I really see. Unfortunately, they were flying very high and so the only photo I managed to grab didn’t come out well.

A few hundred yards down the road, I was able to pull over safely to watch two grackles bathing. The Great-tailed paid me no attention at all.

However, the Common Grackle stopped and gave me a hard look ...

before going back to his bath.

Back on the road, I soon had to pull over again to check out a Barn Swallow on a utility wire. I had just taken his photo ...

when a Cliff Swallow flew in to join him.


  1. Lovely pictures! Isn't spring exciting?

  2. It really is, isn't it? Particularly as it isn't too hot yet and the mosquitoes haven't quite emerged.
