Thursday, April 23, 2009

Photographic Models

I walked the soccer fields at CyFair again on Wednesday, and again adult Killdeer tried to make sure I didn't bother their young. When I approached the area where the young birds were, a pair of adults came near me and led me off in another direction. Not wanting to worry the birds, I let myself be led away.
The adults' tactics gave me an opportunity to take a couple of photos at a fairly close range, something I usually find difficult to do with Killdeer.

The Western Kingbird that has been hanging around the campus this week is very shy, only allowing photos from afar.
In contrast, the Northern Mockingbirds on the campus seem almost to demand that you take their photo.


  1. Your models are beautiful and that mockingbird has definitely perfected the art of posing!

  2. Those Mockingbirds really are extraordinary! Unfortunately, we have a lovesick male in our front yard. We're hoping he finds a mate soon because his constant calling is driving us crazy.
