Tuesday, June 02, 2009

A Busy Month

I'm leading an intensive teacher-training course at CyFair this month and will be in the classroom all day Monday-Friday each week. So I won't be able to do much birding, or to do as much blogging as usual.

Having said that, I've already had a couple of good sightings. As I was getting out of my car at the college yesterday, a Common Nighthawk circled the parking lot several times. Later in the morning, a Scissor-tailed Flycatcher was busy chasing bugs outside my classroom window. Not a bad start to what is going to be a tough month at work!


Anonymous said...

hi, I am McKay Olson, I am the one that has a birding blog in Utah. I am Sorry that it has been such a long time since I you left a comment, I have not been blogging in a while. well, we put up a birdhouse designed for robins, and after about two days, we had robins build a nest in it. right now there are five eggs in side and the female has started to incubate! I am very excited to watch them. thanks.

Robby said...

Nice blog w/excellent photos. I have a blog: http://www.snakeadventures.blogspot.com/ that I think you might find interesting. Will you let me know what you think?
Robby in Utah

Jeff said...

Hi, McKay.
It's a pity that you haven't blogged lately. But I know how hard it is to find the time to blog regularly.
Well done with the Robin's nest! I hope all five eggs hatch.

Jeff said...

Hi, Robby.
Really nice blog! I've always loved snakes (and lizards) but I don't get to see as many as I'd like here. I've been watching out for Coral Snakes ever since I got to Texas but still haven't spotted one. Maybe this summer I will finally be lucky.

Anonymous said...

Hi, do you have any birdhouses around your house?, if you do, are any of them successful?

Jeff said...

Hi, McKay.
We have a couple of birdhouses but no nests. Carolina Wrens and Carolina Chickadees have checked the houses out but have never used them.

Anonymous said...

hi, that happens to us a lot, we once had a chickadee look in a birdhouse, it did not nest there. we also had a house sparrow start building a nest in one but they all the sudden stopped building and abandoned the nest.

Jeff said...

Hi, McKay.
Luckily, I get to see nests at work. At present we have Western Kingbirds raising 4 young.