Friday, June 12, 2009

Don't they grow up fast!

As every parent and grandparent knows, children grow up amazingly fast. Birds are no different. On Wednesday one of the W. Kingbird young had left the nest but the other three looked nowhere near ready to do the same. However, when I looked yesterday morning, the nest was empty and all four youngsters were safely esconced in the middle branches of small trees next to the basketball court, constantly watched over by one or other parent.

Three of the birds looked perfectly at ease...

and chased after the parents whenever the latter returned with food.

The fourth, presumably the runt of the litter, seemed to be very unsure of itself and sat totally still, waiting for the parents to come to feed it.

Still, no doubt this bird, too, will soon be confident of itself and at home in its new surroundings.

It will be interesting to see how long it will be before the young birds are able to fend for themselves.

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