Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Brazos Bend: Elm Lake

We rounded off our trip to Brazos Bend with quick visits to some other sections of the park.

The sky over the Visitor Center had a pair of Mississippi Kites, the first I’ve seen this year. Unfortunately, they were circling too high to allow clear photos.

We parked at Elm Lake and I spent a few minutes exploring the water’s edge. The birds there were the same as at 40 Acre Lake: White Ibis, Green Heron, Tricolored Heron, Cattle Egret, Common Moorhen, etc.

Adult White Ibises

First Summer White Ibis

This 9' alligator was keeping a close eye on the Ibises.

There were more Purple Gallinules.

I noticed movement in the water under a tree and crouched down to see a family of Black-bellied Whistling Ducks. The white bird sharing the shade with them was a White Ibis.

I almost missed this alligator, which was being particularly sneaky by hiding most of its body in a concrete conduit pipe. (To be fair, I guess it might just have been trying to keep cool.)

On our way out of the park, we stopped at the Visitor Center again so I could have a quick look at Creekfield Lake.

Surprisingly, I’d never been to this lake on any of my many previous trips to Brazos Bend. As it seems to attract plenty of birds, I’ll certainly make a point of checking it out further during my next visit.

We made a final quick stop at the park entrance to admire the huge oak trees there.

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