Sunday, July 19, 2009

Galveston: Part 1

As we drove into Galveston on Friday evening, we were welcomed by a Magnificent Frigatebird and lots of Brown Pelicans.

Saturday morning I was up and out early. As usual the Seawall beach was busy with Laughing Gulls and patrolled by Pelicans.

Heading west along Stewart Road, my first stop was at Settegast Road. As soon as I got out of the car, I came across this Willet.
The pond was full of Roseate Spoonbills grazing with Great Egrets, Tricolored Herons, White Ibis and Black-necked Stilts while Barn Swallows swooped overhead.

The lighting was difficult but I got lucky when one group of Spoonbills stepped out into the open and showed off their magnificent plumage.

The roadside was decorated with Mexican Blanket.

I stopped in at Lafitte's Cove and was shocked to see that, while the trees are recovering well from Hurricane Ike, the pond and the wetlands area are totally dried out.

The only birds at the cove were White-winged Doves and Northern Mockingbirds but butterflies were plentiful.

After that, it was on to Galveston State Park.

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