Monday, July 13, 2009

Mercer Botanical Gardens

On my way back home from W G Jones forest on Sunday, I stopped in for 20 minutes at the Mercer Botanical Gardens in hopes of getting photos of bees and butterflies on some of the millions of flowers there.

As I'm a sucker for water-lilies, I can never pass the pond near the entrance without taking a couple of photos.

The first bugs I spotted were dragonflies. Don't ask me which type because I don't really know one dragonfly from another.
I spent a while chasing butterflies with only very limited success.
. .
I finished up taking photos of bumblebees.




  1. Really nice pictures of butterflies and dragonflies. I am attempting to learn more about the dragonflies in my yard this summer and have been trying to photograph as many as possible to assist in identification. It isn't easy!

  2. I agree. Dragonflies are really tough to photograph. In fact, I found butterflies difficult at Mercer. There were some yellow ones that just wouldn't stay still for a second.

  3. These are some beautiful shots, Jeff! I haven't been over to Mercer since last fall, may have to try and sneak over there again one weekend this summer.

    Oh, and congrats on finding the Red-cockaded Woodpeckers at Jones! Your year's list already outshines my life list, but I'm working on that...

  4. Hi, Kyle.
    I'm glad you like the photos. Mercer is looking very good at present.
    Don't be too impressed by my year list. Remember that the one-day list for our area is over 300 species.
