Thursday, July 02, 2009

On the road again

Later this morning I'm flying to New York to visit a school in the Big Apple. I'll only be there through Saturday evening, which is fine with me because it isn't my favorite city. (Dee and I lived there for four months when we first came to the States in 1990.)

Given that it's such a short visit, I won't have much time for birding. However, I'm planning to spend Saturday morning at Jamaica Bay, a wildlife sanctuary near JFK airport. I should get to see quite a few birds - perhaps including a couple of new ones for my year list - and hopefully have some photos to post on this blog on Sunday.


  1. Good birding in New York! Have a safe trip.

  2. Thank you. I had a good trip. The birding wasn't as good as I'd hoped but was better than I'd really expected. The weather was glorious, too.
