Monday, August 31, 2009

Waiting for Shorebirds

I went over to Paul Rushing Park on Sunday morning in hopes of seeing shorebirds, which are currently migrating south. As usual, there was a good variety of larger wading birds - including five Roseate Spoonbills - but only a few shorebirds: Dowitchers, Yellowlegs, Sanderlings, Black-necked Stilts and Willets.

The most numerous birds were Killdeer, of which there must have been 60+. The sports fields had Horned Larks but they again proved impossible to photograph.

I drove home via Kleb Woods, passing half-a-dozen perched Red-tailed Hawks along the way. I was hoping to see hummingbirds at Kleb but I didn't see any! There were plenty in our yards when I got home, though.

Most of our hummers were having to make do with the backyard feeder because the one in the front yard had been taken over by some of our many House Finches. They really love that sugarwater!

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