Friday, September 04, 2009

These past weeks, most of my attention has been on the hummingbirds in our yards. However, I've noticed that we've also been getting a lot of insect activity. Gulf Fritillary and Giant Swallowtail butterflies have been frequent visitors, and our flowers are finally attracting honeybees for the first time in months.

We've had lots of dragonflies, too. In fact, I've seen many more dragonflies in our yards and generally in our area this
summer than I've ever seen before. I've always assumed that there would be more dragonflies during wet spells but that clearly isn't the case this year.


  1. I, too, have had more dragonflies in my yard this summer than ever before. I've spent a lot of time this summer trying to learn to identify them and learn more about them. Photography is an invaluable tool in this endeavor. They really are amazing, fascinating creatures.

  2. You're right about their being amazing, and I love watching them. I'm not even going to try to learn to ID them, though. I find birds IDing birds quite enough of a challenge!
