Monday, September 21, 2009

Sunday at Brazos Bend: Part 1

We drove down to Brazos Bend State Park on Sunday morning and, as always, we started our visit with a walk around 40 Acre Lake.

The weather was perfect and really brought out the colors of the vegetation and the surrounding landscape.

The surface of the lake was largely covered by algae and water lilies.

Except for Common Moorhens, birds were remarkably few and far between.

This White Ibis was the only wader that we saw.

However, as usual at Brazos, there was plenty of other things to look at.

There was a good sprinkling of wildflowers.

Dragonflies were around in large numbers.

These dragonflies were so busy mating that they flew into a spider's web and they were luck to be able to struggle free.

Our bird count for Elm Lake was unbelievably low: Common Moorhens, one White Ibis, one Black-bellied Whistling Duck, one Little Blue Heron and 12 Common Grackles.

However, Creekfield Lake was a totally different story, as I will show tomorrow.


  1. I've been trying to get out to Brazos all summer, but I'm a slave to my garden and I haven't been able to get away. Now that the weather is cooling, I hope to do it soon. I look forward to your second installment.

  2. It was pleasant yesterday. Also, the path around Creekfield is shaded by trees, making it a lot cooler than the path around 40 Acre.
