Monday, November 23, 2009

More Birds at Home

Our yards finally got busy again yesterday: 6 White-winged Doves, 5-6 House Finches, 2 Carolina Wrens, 2 Carolina Chickadees, 2 Ruby-crowned Kinglets, a Northern Cardinal, a Northern Mockingbird, a male Downy Woodpecker, a male Yellow-bellied Sapsucker and a Yellow-rumped Warbler. Plus a flyover by a Turkey Vulture.

Probably because we've been away, all of the birds were very skittish and difficult to photograph. Exceptions were a very red male House Finch and a good-looking male Northern Cardinal.

Late in the afternoon, a Northern Mockingbird came to our backyard fence to beg for peanut butter.

Unfortunately, he/she wandered away just before I smeared some butter on the fence and by the time he/she came back, a squirrel had cleared the fence.

However, the Mockingbird was ready and waiting a little while later when I put out a second load. As the photos show, he/she was a very dainty eater.


  1. Wow, sounds like you're backyard was extremely busy! Great photos, love the bright colours! Do you know what our equivalent of the Northern Mockingbird would be - perhaps Blackbird?

  2. Loved the Photos Jeff! Excellent Scenery and Nature Shots... I "featured" your blog on my blog for my readers enjoyment!

  3. Sharon, I think the closest would be a cross between a Blackbird and a Magpie - but capable, too, of imitating sounds from birdsong to police car sirens!

    Thanks, Aion.
    You've got a totally unique site. Very interesting idea.
