Monday, December 28, 2009

Yesterday Dee and I spent four hours at San Bernard NWR on a perfect winter day. There were fewer birds than I had hoped for but we still saw 41 species.

The entrance road was lined with Loggerhead Shrikes and American Kestrels.

American Kestrel

Although the Moccasin Loop was quiet for water- and wading birds, we saw enough to keep us occupied.

Eastern Phoebe

Great Blue Heron

White Ibis

Ruddy Duck

Pied-billed Grebe

American Alligator

Bobcat Woods was very busy with common birds.

Bobcat Woods

Savannah Sparrow

Savannah Sparrow

Common Yellowthroat

Ruby-crowned Kinglet

The highlights of the day, though, were all the great views we had of raptors: Northern Harriers, Red-tailed Hawks, Red-shouldered Hawk, White-tailed Hawk, Merlin and Crested

Red-shouldered Hawk

Red-tailed Hawk


  1. Merry Christmas Jeff, have just looked through your previous posts over Christmas and love the photos! You're lucky to see so many raptors.

  2. Hi, Sharon. We had hoped for a Bald Eagle but the number of other raptors made up for its absence.
