Sunday, March 14, 2010

A Weekend Away

No photos today, I'm afraid, because we're away for the weekend. We're heading down to Galveston, stopping at El Franco Lee Park along the way to have a picnic lunch with friends. We'll spend Saturday night on the island and then take the ferry to Bolivar Peninsula on Sunday morning.

If we're lucky, the Audubon beach on Bolivar will have a good selection of shorebirds. It's hard to believe but migration time is almost with us again. So just when I've started getting to grips with identifying geese, ducks, sparrows and other winter birds, I'm going to have to brush up my knowledge of migrant shorebirds and then of warblers.

No doubt we'll also look in at Anahuac NWR on our drive back from Bolivar to Houston. It will certainly be interesting to see how the refuge's recovery from Hurricane Ike is progressing.

See you again on Monday!


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