Monday, May 24, 2010

Nesting Red-shouldered Hawks

Back in early March I blogged about spotting a pair of Red-shouldered Hawks nesting in a tall tree on Louetta Road just a few hundred yards from our house. Unfortunately, wit
hin a couple of weeks the foliage had largely obscured the nest. So I more or less forgot about it. Until yesterday, when Dee mentioned she had seen the nest again while out walking.

I went over to Louetta on my way to work, taking my old camera with me just in case. Sure enough, the nest was clearly visible.
I watched as a parent kept ripping bloody pieces of flesh off some dead prey in the bottom of the nest and feeding them to a large young hawk.

For a while I thought there was only one youngster on the nest but then I caught a glimpse of a second.

If I'm lucky, I will get more opportunities to watch the youngsters before they leave the nest. And in future I'll take along my better camera.


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