Saturday, October 09, 2010

More Arrivals

Fall is continuing to bring more birds into our area. Earlier this week, Bear Creek Park had lots of Pine Warblers and several Palm Warblers, a bird I've never before managed to see in Texas.

Closer to home, a Spo
tted Sandpiper has returned to an ornamental retention pond between my house and the Cy-Fair campus. It usually spends the fall and winter there.

On the campus, at least two Sedge Wrens have come back to their old haunts on the nature trail, where today I also saw my first Yellow-bellied Sapsucker of the season.

The Blue Jays, Lincoln's Sparrows and Common Yellowthroats that appeared some days ago were still very much in evidence this morning. This Yellowthroat spent a lot of time doing its morning grooming.


Dee and I are going to take advantage of the current spell of great weather by spending the weekend in Brazoria County. We'll stay in Clute and drive over to Quintana, where we hope to see plenty of migrating songbirds, shorebirds and perhaps raptors. If we're lucky, we may even get to see the bobcat that hangs out near the Neotropic Bird Sanctuary there.

See you when we get back!


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