Tuesday, October 05, 2010

New Arrivals at LSC-CyFair

Yesterday morning was beautifully cool at CyFair and I took advantage of the fall weather to do a brief walk around part of the campus. Unfortunately, I didn't take camera with me.

The trees and bushes behind the modular buildings produced my FOS (First of Season) Lincoln's Sparrows, confirmation that the summer really is over. The same area had lots of Northern Mockingbirds: I counted 8 in one 30-yard stretch.

My arrival at the start of the nature trail disturbed a Great Blue Heron, which had been resting in top of a Chinese Tallow tree. Both ponds were dry but the area around them was busy with Northern Cardinals. The Cardinals flew off when I made some pisshing noises but a FOS Ruby-crowned Kinglet came over to see who/what I was.

The rest of the nature trail was very quiet, except for a pair of Blue Jays. As this was only the second time I've seen Blue Jays on the campus in the 6 years that I've worked there, I assume that this pair was migrating through our area.



  1. Jeff, I don't see how you can tell all these sparrows apart. We have so many of them around our feeders continually. I finally saw what must have been a house finch. I could tell by the light purplish cast to his underside. I'm sure I've confused several with sparrows.

    How did you ever learn to tell these similar birds apart? By the way, I never knew we had blue jays in our area, after living here 20 years. But last summer i put out bird feeders and have learned quite alot about our feathered neighbors, including blue jays and many other types, here in our NW houston home!

  2. Sparrows are very tough, Paul, and I have problems with most species of them. I often have to ask other birders for help! I wouldn't cope at all without being able to take and study digital photos of them.

    We get a bunch of House Finches every day - even though they're not supposed to have really reached this part of Texas yet.

    Blue Jays are common residents here - plus more pass through during migration.
