Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Bear Creek Park

Dee and I headed across to Bear Creek Park on Sunday in hopes of seeing Golden-crowned Kinglet. Unfortunately, we got a late start and so we arrived to find that most birds seemed to be enjoying an early siesta.

20+ minutes around Sullins Way didn't turn up a single bird. Literally not one! So we moved over to the area around restroom 10 on Golbow, often a productive spot. First up was an Eastern Phoebe.
I think I've seen more of these this month than in any previous month that I've birded. They are everywhere.

Carolina Chickadees and Tufted Titmice mingled in the trees with Yellow-rumped Warblers. Then I saw my first-of-season Pine Warblers.

As always at Bear Creek, Eastern Bluebirds were busy commuting between the trees and the grass.

A Red-bellied Woodpecker fussed noisily around in a tall tree while a Turkey Vulture perched silently nearby.

Our final sighting was of two flocks of White-faced Ibis, totaling some 60 birds.

So, not good birding but that wasn't surprising, given our late arrival at the park.

Thanksgiving Weekend

People have been reporting some good birds from Baytown Nature Center and a cold front forecast for Friday may bring in even more species. So perhaps we'll head over there during the 4-day holiday. Or perhaps we'll head down to the Brazos Bend area instead, to see if I can raise my Fort Bend county list to 100+ before the end of the year. Or we could check out Attwater NWR to look for Burrowing Owls. Choices, choices, choices!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Springman. I'll see if I can get any decent photos to submit once my camera comes back from the repair shop.
