Monday, November 29, 2010

Final Arrivals

On Saturday I mentioned that I was still waiting for the arrival of the last two of our normal winter yard residents: Ruby-crowned Kinglet and Pine Warbler. Well, I didn't have to wait long. Saturday afternoon I was taking photos of a Carolina Chickadee just outside our livingroom window. 

Suddenly two birds flew onto the feeders two feet away from me: Ruby-crowned Kinglet and Pine Warbler! I was so surprised  that I didn't even think about getting a photo.

The Ruby-crowned was a male and his crest was very prominent. Which makes me think he's the same bird that spent last winter in our yards. Which makes me marvel at the navigational ability of birds, an ability that we tend to take for granted. I struggle to find our house on a Google Earth satellite photo of our street black but this tiny bird (just over 4" long) again managed to fly here from his summer residence in Canada or Alaska and to locate our small yard. Truly amazing!

On Sunday morning I drove down to Cullinan Park, Sugarland, which I've only visited twice before. I went there in hopes of improving my Fort Bend county list from 97 to 100 species. I'll report tomorrow on what I saw there. 


  1. The kinglets and Pine Warblers were early to my yard this year. They've both been here a few weeks now, and, you're right - they are amazing.

  2. I'm constantly surprised by the difference in arrival times of birds in areas just a few miles apart.

  3. Hey Jeff,
    I commute every day down Barker Cypress to work. I watched the LS Campus while it was built. I wondered what the construction would be. I also especially wondered what the Berry Center would be. And now I know: a bunch of traffic lights to greet me on the way to work. Such is life.

    So! And now we have what we have. More traffic. I have compensated by rising earlies to beat he traffic lights, but also the beat of chaos at work once the morning wave pushes in. We all have our challenges.

    As to our feathered friends: my wife took down my feeders by the front door. Too many seeds on the ground you see. The mourning doves really enjoyed those seeds. But the wife didn't. So, the mourning doves, regretfully, must look afield for sustenance. I don't like, but I must make practical, realistic, self interestted choices. My feathered friends have wings and they can fly. I don't not have that option.

    Be well Jeff.

  4. Hi, Paul.
    It is amazing how much habitat along Barker Cypress - and far to the west - has been eaten up by development over the past 7 or 8 years.
    That Berry Center is a real eyesore, as well as a huge waste of taxpayers' money. Unfortunately, a lot of people think it is part of the college.
