Thursday, November 04, 2010

Our Favorite State Park (2)

As we headed from Creekfield Lake to 40 Acre Lake, we swung by the end of Elm Lake - just in case there was something interesting around. We were rewarded with good views of a Red-shouldered Hawk.


As usual, the trees around the 40 Acre parking lot looked majestic and were draped in Spanish moss.

The lake itself was very quiet. There were half-a-dozen small alligators but few birds except Common Moorhens. Some of the Moorhens here were accompanied by juveniles.

A solitary Great Blue Heron was fishing.

Further along, a Tricolored Heron was prowling the marshy area beside the lake.
Before rounding the corner at the observation tower, we walked a hundred yards down the path toward Elm Lake and almost immediately came across a much larger gator sunning itself right next to the trail.

The first Belted Kingfisher I've ever seen at BBSP was posing on a snag but flew off before I could get a photo. A pair of White Ibis were less concerned by our presence.

As we walked back to the parking lot area, we came across a few songbirds - Tufted Titmouse, Ruby-crowned Kinglet and Northern Parula.

After that it was a picnic lunch near the parking area - entertained by N. Mockingbird, Red-bellied Woodpecker, Ruby-crowned Kinglet and Yellow-rumped Warbler - before heading home.


  1. The red shouldered hawk looks like what we refer to around here as a chicken hawk. Could they be the same?

  2. Similar but not quite the same. Chickenhawks are Red-tailed Hawks.Red-tailed Hawks have a white front.

  3. Love the gator Jeff, lovely images as always mate

  4. Thanks, Dave.

    I'd do a lot better if my camera hadn't started acting up.
