Thursday, December 16, 2010

Away Again

By the time you read this, Dee and I will be on our way to Big Bend National Park. Last time we went there, we flew to Midland-Odessa but this time we're going to drive all the way. As neither of us likes long days in the car, we'll be breaking the journey, staying a night in Del Rio on the way out and a night in Uvalde on the way home.

Breaking the outward journey will give us a little time to do some birding at Marathon, where we saw a lot of good birds on our last trip to Big Bend. The stop at Uvalde will let us take another look at Cook's Slough, which we visited last month. We'll probably visit Mitchell Lake in San Antonio on the drive home, too.
We both fell in love with Big Bend on our last trip there. The scenery was stunning and we saw a lot of great birds, as well as Javelinas and Deer. (You can see more photos by clicking on 2008 in my blog archive.) 

We'll only have three nights in the park, which isn't much for such a huge area, but I'm sure we'll see a lot this time, too.

I won't be able to blog while we're in the park, because there is no phone or Internet service there. But I've prepared a couple of blogs to appear here while we're away.


  1. Hope you both have a good trip and
    Merry Christmas from Scotland and all the best for 2011.


  2. Cheers, Dave.
    We had a very good trip.
    Merry Xmas and a Happy Hogmanay!
