Saturday, December 11, 2010

Bear Creek Park

I took a couple of hours off work to do a little birding in Bear Creek Park.

It was one of those glorious Texas winter mornings.

The trees along Sullin's Way were packed with birds: American Goldfinch, Carolina Chickadees, Yellow-rumped Warblers, Orange-crowned Warblers, Chipping Sparrows, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Red-bellied Woodpeckers, Downy Woodpeckers, Northern Flicker. 

A Red-shouldered Hawk taking the morning sun was the only bird I managed to ge a recognizable photo of.

I bumped into Jim Hinson, who was looking for Towhees. We scanned the area for Pine Siskins and Dark-eyed Juncos but we didn't spot any. 

Jim suggested that we go and visit at another good site that he knew. So off we drove.

We hadn't been at the other site long when we spotted a Song Sparrow followed by a Fox Sparrow, a new bird for my year list. Then a Gray Catbird popped up.

Further down the trail, we walked across a field that Jim said was good for Le Conte's Sparrows. An American Kestrel watched us from a tree top.

We flushed two small birds. Probably Le Conte's but they had disappeared again before I could be sure of the ID.

We walked on. Another small bird flew up. This one perched in a bush nearby, giving me time for a good look. Yes, a Le Conte's! Another bird for my 2010 list.

Unfortunately, my time was up and so I thanked and said goodbye to Jim. I'll go back to this site soon, though, because Jim says it's an excellent place for seeing American Woodcock at sunset.


  1. Well done on the two new year ticks. Whats your total looking like for 2010?

  2. What was the other site your friend took you to?

  3. Sorry, Lola. Jim swore me to secrecy - because there's a bird there that he doesn't want to get spooked before the CBC.

  4. 277 for the USA (of which 240 in Texas, 163 in Harris County).

    I should easily hit 300 for the year for the USA, by far my best year ever!

  5. Hello Jeff! I'm commenting to ask the same question that Lola asked earlier. Has the ban been lifted on revealing the second birdwatching site you went to? Can you tell me where it is?
