Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Week at CyFair

Although our Ring-necked Ducks have all left the campus, some other winter residents are still hanging around, including Lincoln's and Savannah Sparrows and Yellow-rumped Warblers (below). 

Pairs of Black-bellied Whistling Ducks have been flying around. If all goes well, several will again decide to nest by the retention ponds and I'll get to watch their families paddling around over the summer.  

All winter I was disappointed that there were fewer than usual Cedar Waxwings on the campus. Until last week, I'd only seem flocks of 50-60. Well, I'm no longer disappointed, because I've seen a flock of 300-400 Waxwings several times since the weekend.

It's still too early for most migrants but several more Purple Martins have arrived, including some females.

The only new bird was a White-eyed Vireo on the nature trail. It kept singing out but wouldn't come into the open. So I  started whistling its song back at the bird. It kept on singing and I kept on whistling back. This went on for quite a while before the bird finally popped up to check me out.


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