Saturday, April 23, 2011

CyFair Campus

Given how windy this week has been, it is not surprising that fewer birds have been visible around the CyFair campus. However, there have been a few new arrivals.

There are now so many Purple Martins that more accommodations are being added to the Martin house.

Colleagues spotted Chuck-wills-widow and Yellow-breasted Chat but I have so far missed both birds. Until yesterday I had also missed the first of our Western Kingbirds to return to the campus. Then yesterday morning I had a brief glimpse of one. It didn't come within camera range but a couple of minutes later I was luckier with a Great Crested Flycatcher. 

I also managed to get good views of one of the several pairs of Brown-headed Cowbirds that have been hanging around near the nature trail. As with many species, the male is significantly more colorful than the female.


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