Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Final Sightings in Guadalajara

On Sunday afternoon in Parque Los Colomos, most of the species I saw were ones I had seen there the previous day: Lark Sparrow, Rufous-backed Robin, Lesser Goldfinch, Indigo Bunting, Vermilion Flycatcher, Great Kiskadee, House Finch etc. There were more Russet-crowned Motmots, too.

However, there were a few new birds, such as Bewick's Wren, Broad-billed and Violet-crowned Hummingbirds, and this Canyon Towhee.

Some warblers can be very tricky to ID but the black cap and eye of the Wilson's Warbler make identification easy.

The cactus garden in the park was impressive.

I've seen a lot of bougainvilleas but I'd never before seen one this big.

This particular plant had managed to climb right to the very top of a 130-foot tree.

Lizards and mammals were remarkably scarce in the park except for a squirrel that clearly appreciated the way a young man provided it with water in a bottle top.

Monday Morning

Before work on Monday I explored a small, one-block park near the hotel where I was staying. As I expected, it had plenty of common birds, including Rock Pigeons, House Finches and these Inca Doves.

I was surprised, though, to see that it also had some interesting birds. I hadn't expected to see Vermilion Flycatchers there, and I certainly hadn't expected to see two new life birds: Gray Silky Flycatcher and Blue Mockingbird.

All in all, I really enjoyed my visit to Guadalajara and I hope I'll be able to return there before too long.

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