Sunday, September 11, 2011

Glacier National Park, Montana

.As soon as I drove into Glacier NP, it was clear that I was going to see some wonderful scenery.

I spent an hour or two checking out a couple of possible birding sites but spotted only a Red-breasted Nuthatch and a Common Raven.

Most of the rest of my time was spent driving up the Road to the Sun, stopping off at pull-offs along the way to admire the incredible views.

At one point I had to slow down to allow a deer to cross ahead of me.

At another I had to stop to take photos of a Mountain Goat at the side of the road.

The visitor center at the top of the road was packed with people, many of them watching a couple of small herds of Bighorn Sheep on the mountainsides.

There were smaller animals, too.

In every direction the scenery was spectacular.

After six hours in the park, I headed back down towards the entrance and to Kalispell, where I had booked a motel room for the night. Glacier NP hadn't produced the birds - or bears - that I had hoped for but  it had certainly been well worth a visit.

And I still had one day left in which to explore some nearby birding sites on the way back to Missoula.

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