Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Quite a Change

.After months of heat and drought, this weekend was quite a change. This was brought home to me on Sunday afternoon, when I dropped in at Russ Pitman Park to see if any migrants were around. Within a couple of minutes I had spotted a Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, a Black-and-white Warbler and a Great Crested Flycatcher.

Unfortunately, I had no sooner photographed the Flycatcher than the heavens opened and I had to run from the rain.

On Monday morning I took a walk along the nature trail on the CyFair campus. I was hoping that the weekend's storms would have blown in some migrants. At first all I saw were common residents, such as Northern Mockingbirds and Mourning Doves.

To be honest, though, I was pleased to see Mourning Doves yesterday and to have seen dozens of them on the campus over the past weeks. A few months ago I was starting to worry that our numerous White-winged Doves had driven away their smaller and less aggressive cousins.

I was just about to leave when migrants began arriving, starting with a male Baltimore Oriole.

A Great Crested Flycatcher was nearby, its rusty red tail making ID easy.

Then I was thrilled to see a Prairie Warbler, a bird I've only seen twice before and that we've never seen on the campus.



  1. It has been an interesting migration season. I've even had Baltimore Orioles in my yard - which I almost never do. And hummingbirds have been extremely numerous, including a Rufous and a possible Black-chinned. A migration season to remember.

  2. We've had (and have) lots of hummers in our yards but only Ruby-throated.
