Sunday, October 16, 2011

Anahuac Revisited

No, we haven't been back to Anahuac NWR since our visit there two weeks ago. But I just realized that I never finished blogging about that trip and about the wonderful time we had on the Skillern Tract.

The Skillern Tract is part of the Anahuac NWR but is about 7 miles east of the main entrance. A dirt road takes you south between rice fields for a few hundred yards before bringing you to river with a parking area and a bridge. 

On this trip, the rice fields were being scoured by several Northern Harriers.

Down at the river, the vegetation along the river bank was crowded with Red-winged Blackbirds.

We saw no fewer than four Vermilion Flycatchers.

Several alligators were cruising the river or lounging on the bank.

Anhingas looked majestic as they flew overhead.

Two female Belted Kingfishers entertained us for a long time as they either chased or followed each other from perch to perch, clicking loudly as they did so.

On previous trips to the Skillern Tract, we had never ventured beyond the bridge. However, this time we noticed that a new concrete patrh had been built on the other side of the bridge and so we crossed over to see where it would take us.

But I'll have to tell you what we saw in another post because this one is already long enough.


  1. That was one of my favorite places on the refuge. Last year, I got to work there, and check out the birds before the new trail to the rookery overlook was open to the public. I also blogged about it in June.

    That is going to be one of the best areas to bird this fall and winter since it will have water on it and is also next to a hunting club which will also water their fields.

    The road will get paved this winter and will have to be closed for several weeks.

    Thanks for helping people learn about this wonderful place.

  2. something we dont have the pleasure of in the UK is getting up close and personal with the crocs... It looks la lovely place Jeff.

    Similar no doubt to our rspb reserve visits.

    How many species would you be seeing at a place like Anahuac?

  3. That's great news that there'll be water on Skillern this winter, Marilyn!
    Hi, Dave. Alligators here. In the USA crocs are only in Florida and then only a few hundred. In 2-3 hours you might easily see 30-40 species most of the year and certainly 50+ in winter.
