Thursday, October 20, 2011

Arrivals at CyFair

Monday morning was warm and misty, and the nature trail was absolutely covered in spider webs.

I was pleased to see that a couple of House Wrens had moved in over the weekend.

The cold front moving through the area on Tuesday brought with it lots of Monarch butterflies.

Some of the trees on the campus nature trail had bunches of Monarchs hanging from their branches.

The front also brought birds, including more Lincoln's Sparrows to join the ones that arrived a couple of weeks ago.

Yesterday I was too slow to get photos of a Ruby-crowned Kinglet or of several small flocks of Scissor-tailed Flyctachers that passed over, but I did get one quick shot of a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker.

Thirteen American Coots have settled in on one of the rentention ponds.

Our resident birds have been active, too.  Northern Mockingbirds and Northern Cardinals are presebnt in greater numbers than I've seen there in years.

Meanwhile a Turkey Vulture seems to have decided to fly over every day to see what's happening.

All in all, there has been plenty to look at around the college and I'm hoping that the coming week will bring in even more new birds.

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