Sunday, October 02, 2011

Katy Prairie

.On my way to work one day last week, I managed to look in at Paul Rushing Park on the Katy Prairie.

Most of the lakes had very little water and even less bird activity. However, one lake was hosting a handful of Roseate Spoonbills. Some were hanging out on the boardwalk.

A White-faced Ibis (or Glossy?) Ibis was feeding right along a group of Spoonbills in the water.

A Snowy Egret was dashing around in the background, trying to scare up prey with its yellow feet.

A couple of Dowitchers were too far away to photograph but some Yellowlegs were closer.

As usual at Paul Rushing, the short grass held several Horned Larks.

A more surprising bird was a Clay-colored Sparrow, a new bird for my Harris County list. 

Weekend Away
By the time you read this,  we'll be enjoying a weekend away from home. We're heading down to Smith Point to watch some of the hawk migration. We may also drop in at Anahuac and perhaps even High Island to see  if any migrants are passing through there.

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