Monday, October 10, 2011

The Week at CyFair

It was a very busy week at work and so I had very few opportunities to walk around the campus. However, as usual, even walking from building to building turned up some sightings.

The mesquite trees between the Library and the TECH building continued to host visiting Common Yellowthroats and Blue-gray Gnatcatchers as well as at least one Wilson's Warbler (below).

The river had Great-tailed Grackles every day.

I had good looks at a Loggerhead Shrike behind the cafeteria.

The parking lot beside my classroom had a Northern Mockingbird that was snacking on parts of a large bug.

The trees around the outdoor classroom were busy with Northern Cardinals, Carolina Chickadees, several Northern Mockingbirds, a Blue Jay, a Brown Thrasher and lots of Blue-gray Gnatcatchers. I didn't manage to get a photo of my first Yellow-rumped Warbler of the fall but good views of an Eastern Meadowlark were some compensation.


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