Friday, November 18, 2011

California 1: Urban Birds

.While in San Francisco, I had a chance to spend a little time in the Yerba Buena park, in the heart of the city. Although the park is small and offers little good habitat, it was busy with birds. Several species were drawn to the various water features.

Some of the birds came to drink. Like this Brewer's Blackbird.

Others came to bathe. Like this Western Gull. Which really took bathing seriously.

European Starlings seemed to like making as much of a splash as possible.

Other birds - like this Western Gull and Red-winged Blackbird - appeared to be happy just hanging out and enjoying the fall weather.



  1. What a Surprise,Jeff. I'm drinking my coffee at Sacramento NWR in the upper Sacramento Vally and reading your blog for a little homesick fix, and find you are blogging about San Francisco. I'll be visiting there on my off days soon.

  2. It was great to be back in CA again. Unfortunately, we didn't have time to go up to the Lodi area to see if the Sandhill Cranes had arrived.
