Sunday, November 13, 2011

Katy Prairie Birding

.Friday morning I arranged to arrive at work late so that I could spend an hour birding along Longenbaugh and Sharp Roads on the Katy Prairie. I was hoping to see at least some of the exciting birds that other birders had been reporting from the area. I was particularly hoping to see Common Ground Doves, which would be a new species for me.

Things started well when I spotted a Crested Caracara in a field along Porter Road End.

Longenbaugh had plenty of Eastern Meadowlarks, Loggerhead Shrikes and Savannah Sparrows but none of the birds I was looking for.

I was luckier at the south edge of Paul Rushing Park, where I saw several Common Ground Doves sitting on a fence. The Ground Doves were too far away for a photo but this White-winged Dove was just above my head.

At the north side of Paul Rushing I saw several more Common Ground Doves - this time too elusive to photograph - as well as my First-of-Season White-crowned Sparrows. 

Everywhere I drove there were Red-tailed Hawks perched on utility poles. Unfortunately, not one of them stayed still long enough for me to get a photo. However, as I was driving to work at the end of my birding time, I was lucky enough to get good views of a Red-shouldered Hawk right by the side of FM 529.


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