Monday, November 07, 2011

Katy Prairie

After seeing that local birders had spotted three types of towhee along Sharp Road, I headed out for the Katy Prairie on Saturday morning.

I spent a fruitless 30 minutes scouring both sides of Cypress Creek along Sharp Road but saw only a Lincoln's Sparrow and a juvenile Red-shouldered Hawk.


I decided to drive home via Paul Rushing Park and Longenbaugh Road.

Paul Rushing was very busy with cars and people, so I stayed only long enough to take a few photos of the one-legged Upland Sandpiper that has been hanging out there.

Longenbaugh was quieter than I expected for birds. There were the usual Loggerhead Shrikes, Northern Mockingbirds and Savannah Sparrows, plus numbers of Brown-headed Cowbirds.

The area below the Bear Creek bridge had several Inca Doves, a bird I rarely see on the prairie.

My final stop before heading home was a field crowded with Eastern Meadowlarks, one of which obligingly hopped up onto a wire to let me take a photo.


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