Monday, November 28, 2011

Last Week at CyFair

.The day before Thanksgiving I took a short walk around the CyFair campus, hoping that some new birds might have arrived.

As it turned out, the ponds did have some new birds. About 40 Ring-necked Ducks had joined the 100 American Coots and half-a-dozen Redheads which arrived some days earlier. Unfortunately, the ducks moved to the far side of the ponds when I approached and so I wasn't able to get any photos. The Coots were less nervous.

Songbirds were scarce around the ponds: The only ones I saw were a Yellow-rumped Warbler and an Eastern Meadowlark.

Just as I was leaving, I caught a brief glimpse of a Northern Harrier flying low over one of the parking areas.

The nature trail was very quiet, except for a Ruby-crowned Kinglet.

Then, walking back to my office, I came across a Red-shouldered Hawk. Unlike most hawks, it was not bothered by my presence but sat there while I took several photos from perhaps 20 feet away.

After that it was back to work!

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