Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Away for Christmas

Dee and I are in the UK for Christmas and we won't return until New Year's Eve. We're spending the holiday with family but I'm fitting in a little birdwatching.

While we're away, I'm still be blogging about Texas , using photos and other material from December that I haven't managed to post yet.

Here are some photos that I took on a recent visit to Baytown Nature Center. This isn't one of the best birding sites in our area but it usually has a few interesting birds. On my latest visit these included Horned Grebes, Red-breasted Merganser and Hooded Mergansers. Also, it's a great site for watching Ospreys!

Double-crested Cormorant

Snowy Egret
Horned Grebe
Spotted Sandpiper
Loggerhead Shrike
Great Blue Heron



  1. Hope you're enjoying the UK! Just been catching up on your blog, some fantastic photos as always!

  2. Great pictures. Enjoy your holiday and your visit with the family. I hope you have a happy New Year filled with life birds!
