Tuesday, January 03, 2012

More Yardbirds

.Now that we have replenished our feeders, our usual residents and winter visitors are turning up again.

Even more American Goldfinches have appeared.

There's always a White-winged Dove somewhere in our yards.

House Finches visit in groups several times a day.

We didn't have House Sparrows until a few months ago but now we get half-a-dozen every day.

A Northern Cardinal came and went before I could get my camera out, but two Carolina Wrens fussed around in our wisteria for ages.

A Yellow-rumped Warbler often poses outside our front windows.

Our suet feeders seem to be irresistible to our Orange-crowned Warblers.

So far this winter we have only had one Chipping Sparrow. I though it had disappeared a while back but when I looked carefully at our cage feeder today ...


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