Monday, February 27, 2012

Bolivar Ferry

.Yesterday morning we took a friend from Mexico down to Galveston for the day. We began our day on the coast with a ride on the ferry from Galveston to Bolivar. We were surprised not to see any dolphins during the crossing but there were quite a few birds in the ports and around the ferry.

From the appearance of some of the Double-crested Cormorants it was clear that breeding season is drawing near.

As usual, there were Laughing Gulls perched everywhere.

They constantly circled the boat, too.

Mixed in with the gulls on the harbor buffers were some Ruddy Turnstones.

I don't usually take pictures of Rock Doves but this one looked pretty enough to warrant a photo.

The occasional Grackle joined us on the trip.

The breakwater at Bolivar had a handful of both White and Brown Pelicans. The Whites were resting but a couple of the Browns were flying around.

So our day on the coast was off to a good start. Next up was the shorebird sanctuary beach on Bolivar, always worth a visit at any time of the year.

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