Sunday, February 12, 2012

Kleb Woods

.On Saturday morning I spent an hour at Kleb Woods with a couple of other birders. Overall it was fairly quiet for birds (except Northern Cardinals), perhaps partly because it was very cold and windy. However, we saw a few interesting birds.

Near Moccasin Marsh there was an Eastern Phoebe, a House Wren, a Lincoln's Sparrow and several Vesper and Field Sparrows. We got a quick look at a Pileated Woodpecker and then a much better look at a Northern Flicker (below). The latter was year bird #148 for me.

Back at the parking lot entrance the area around the rosebush was busy with a range of birds - Northern Cardinals, Mourning Doves, House Sparrows, Field Sparrows and White-throated Sparrows.

I've seen more Field Sparrows this winter than in all my previous years of birding but I never tire of watching and photographing them.

The most numerous species around the bush was White-throated Sparrow. There must have been somewhere between a dozen and twenty of them. I had to use flash to get photos, because the morning was fairly dark and the sparrows mainly skulked in the shade.


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