Saturday, March 17, 2012

Hill Country Trip: Part 2

The first of our two full days in the Uvalde area dawned bright and sunny, so we drove up to Neal's Lodges in Concan. We had high hopes because the Lodges' website mentioned that they had put up even more feeders than usual this year. Well, when we got there we found that they had indeed put up lots of feeders - but they hadn't actually filled any of them!

The feeding station near Cabin 56 had only a few common birds, such as Carolina Chickaddes and House Finches.

However, further up the trail we came across a pair of Bewick's Wrens outfitting a birdhouse.

Several Golden-fronted Woodpeckers were busy nearby.

We walked down by the river and watched Lesser Goldfinch and Black-crested Titmice (below) visiting a fully-stocked feeding station  near one of the cabins.

While Dee watched the feeder birds, I followed a pair of Vermilion Flycatchers along the river bank.

I also got a look at a pair of Red-shouldered Hawks before they took flight and disappeared.

Back at the Lodges' store, the trees were busy with Cedar Waxwings.

There were several Eurasian Collared Doves around, too.

We had lunch at the Lodges' restaurant. As we were leaving, another Golden-fronted Woodpecker was kicking up a racket.

Rather disappointed with the birding in Concan, we decided to head back to Uvalde to check out the town's Fish Hatchery and to pay another visit to Cook's Slough. Surely these two sites would produce some interesting birds!


Barbara In Caneyhead said...

As always, you gave us beautiful photos of these little fellas! Thank you. ~ Barbara

Jeff said...

Thanks, Barbara. I still have more photos to post from the trip. I think you'll like the birds in some of them.

Anonymous said...

Must have been a bummer to see just a few for such a big bird enthusiast, like yourself - and then there's the empty feeders. :D

Rodger Ciliberto