Monday, March 19, 2012

Hill Country Trip: Part 3


There is a nice birding trail, with two observation decks, around one of the ponds at the National Fish Hatchery in Uvalde.

Unfortunately, we arrived just 20 minutes before the Hatchery closes to the public at 3:30 and so we just had time for a quick look at the main birding pond. Several Gadwall were present but immediately flew off, as did four Cinnamon Teals.

An adult Black-crowned Night Heron got away before I could get a photo but a juvenile was a little slower off the mark.

While a male Vermilion Flycatcher, a Pyyrhuloxia and two Wilson's Snipes stayed well out of photo range, a couple of Harris's Sparrows came a little closer.

When the site closed, we headed over to Cook's Slough.

Once again there were scores of Black Vultures.

Some at least of the vultures were apparently attracted by a dead Great Blue Heron.

One of the few ponds we could reach easily had a Solitary Sandpiper, a species I'd seen only a couple of times before.

We weren't surprised to see a Great Egret.

An Anhinga flying overhead was more unexpected.

As we were both getting tired, we decided to head back to the motel. My plan was to be up early the next day to drive up to Neal's Lodges, this time with a bag of seed with which to lure in more birds.

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