Friday, March 30, 2012

That Time Again

March is drawing to a close. So here we are entering another spring migration period, the time of year that birders in our area most look forward to. For the next several weeks we'll all be making frequent trips down to the coast, hoping to be at High Island and other sites when flocks of northward migrating songbirds drop in for a rest after crossing the Gulf. We'll also be watching out for migrating shorebirds and for other birds that migrate northward along the coast rather than across the Gulf.

Of course, some spring migrants have already passed through. For the past couple of weeks people have spotted handfuls of Hooded Warblers, Louisiana Waterthrushes, Blue-headed Vireos etc. in and around Houston.

I myself haven't had many opportunities to see migrants yet. Because of work, most of my recent birding has consisted of quick walks on the LSC-CyFair campus. There the only migrants I have spotted so far have been a Gray Catbird and a White-eyed Vireo (below).

I'm sure I'll be seeing more migrating birds soon, though. Why? Because Dee and I are heading down to the coast for the weekend. We'll bird High Island tomorrow, stay the night in Winnie, and then bird Bolivar on Sunday. Even if songbirds don't turn up at High Island, there is sure to be lots of action to watch and photograph at the rookery there. And Bolivar always produces at least a few interesting birds.

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